Thursday, August 27, 2009


This morning, I am wondering, if I am going to make this day different than the one before...wondering if I am going to do those things I know I want to do, or if I will move in such a way that ignores what I really want. How is it that we are able to know exactly what we would want to do, know exactly how to do it, yet still decide somewhere in our day, whether early, or late, that it is ok to accept less. Certainly we are limited creatures. We are limited by traffic lights, and fender benders, heart attacks, and sniffles, by our memory and our motives...but what we should not be limited by, is our desire for those things that have been anchored to us through, in, and for love. There is this word which I have been thinking about a lot is has lead me to two other words...focus and diligence. Sometimes I think I lack discipline, because I lack focus and diligence. Most days as of late I have counted the things I desire as less important than they really are, allowing other things to steal away my focus and my energy. As limited as we are, GOD has given us such great gifts, and there are things that pull on our hearts like nothing else does...Whether it is the smile of a spouse, a redemption song in the ear, the laugh of your child, a homeless neighbor on a hot day, a new patient or contract, a new sun or mission...This day I don't want to be distracted. The desires of my heart are worthy of my full intention.

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